Does your Linkedin profile include any of the following top 10 transferable and essential skills? if not try to integrate these skills within your profile today.
- Communication Skills
- Learning Skills
- Teamwork Skills
- Technical Skills
- Time Management Skills
- Listening Skills
- Problem-Solving Skills
- Creativity Skills
- Organization Skills
- Leadership Skills
Technical skills
When you apply for a job you will probably be evaluated on the basis of your technical or hard skills – these are the skills that can be learned through formal education, on the job training or volunteer experience. Examples of technical skills include computer programming, accounting, designing, operating machinery, scientific knowledge, car repair, etc. Technical skills often constitute the bare minimum that an employer looks for in a candidate.
Personal skills and qualities
We all have our own set of personal skills and qualities, for example, the ability to get along with people, persistence, adaptable, enthusiastic, reliable, accurate. Employers will always look for these skills to some extent and they can be the one thing that separates you from another candidate.